Top 20 Biggest Myths About Exercise

Top 20 Biggest Myths About Exercise

In this world, some of the people created some myths about exercises like if you do this that will happen and kinds of stuff about exercises. Some of them are the biggest lie.

So here are some of the myths that you should know about what is right or wrong.

#1. Workout Should Be Longer

It doesn’t depend on time its depend on what are you doing. If you are doing a right workout than it can be done 20-30 minutes or if you are not doing this right and you are taking it long then it doesn’t affect.

It also depends on the time taken between rest, and it shows the same as the person who exercises for 30 minutes and the person who exercises for an hour.

#2. More Cardio Means More Weight Loss

It is the biggest myth that more cardio means more weight loss because it is doesn’t depend on how fast you run you lose the same calories as running slow. To lose more fat or calories .you have to follow high-intensity workout.

You have quit junk food have to take balanced protein diet and more such things. After that, you can lose your weight.

#3. Stretching Prevents Injuries

Stretching doesn’t prevent injuries because it is only done for warm-up. Injuries can still be happening after stretching it doesn’t provide any prevention. If you are doing your exercise safely and correct you can prevent injuries.

#4. You Should Hit The Gym Every Day

It’s not necessary to hit the gym every day because sometimes your muscles need some rest. So, you can take a day off a gym & some people say that more exercise means more muscles.

But sometimes your muscles need to recover.

#5. Fat Can Turn Into Muscle

Fat can’t turn into muscles because fat and muscles are different from each other. They made up of different tissues. First of all, you have to burn fat and then you can gain muscles.

#6. Muscle Can Turn into Fat

It is the same as that muscle can’t turn into fat. In this situation, you have lost your muscles first and then you can gain fat. It is easier than losing fat & you do not have to exercise, but this is worst.

#7. Lifting Make You Bulky

Lifting makes you bulky but you need more time and work to make yourself bulky. You have to follow a strict diet and other things and it increases your workload because it requires lots of strength.

#8. Sports Drinks Are Good For You

Not at all, sports drinks are not good for you. Sports drinks contain a lot of sugar which is bad for the muscles and never take sports drinks before or after workout. Sugar breaks your muscles.

If you take any sports drinks then you will just lose muscles and never gain muscles.

#9. You start losing muscle mass after just a week

No, you will never lose your muscle mass after a week it takes lots of time and hard work. It takes up to a month or less to start losing some muscle mass but losing mass ina week is quite difficult.

#10. Squats Are Bad For You

No, squats are not bad for you but. not doing squats is bad for you. You also have to take care of your lower body not just upper body so do squats. It gives strength to your lower back, legs, and thighs.

#11. For Maximum Gains, You Have To Take Protein Immediately

It’s not necessary to take protein immediately after joining the gym you can take protein after some months. But if you want to build your muscles early then you can take your protein.

Protein doesn’t harm your body it gives you the right amount of protein to your body and then you can gain your muscles easily.

#12. To Get Large, You Must Lift Large

No, It’s not necessary to lift heavy weight you can do that it with the lightweight also. If you are lifting lightweight you just need to do more reps. Just keep in mind that lightweight and more reps.

The result will be the same as lifting the heavyweight will be same as lightweight.

#13. Early Morning Is The Best Time To Workout

Working out first is really good for you. You can do the workout early in the morning and you not have to go to the gym later the day. But, 4-6 pm is the best option for working out.

You can work out easily, and you didn’t feel any crowd around you and 6:00 pm the place gets filled by people, and you can’t work out.

#14. More Sweat Means More Fat Burn

No, it’s not true that when you sweat more you lose more fat. When you workout you lose much sweat but that is actually lost of water not fat. You lose water in the form of sweat and that means you have to hydrate yourself.

#15. You Shouldn’t Workout In Empty Stomach

You can work out in an empty stomach but if you have taken a heavy meal in your breakfast you can do it. The food that you taken at breakfast will energize you also. But, must hydrate yourself before workout.

#16. You Should Do Your Cardio First

Actually, it is not necessary for all the people some people need to and some not to do the cardio first. You can do the main exercises easily if you are capable of doing. Doing cardio needs lots of oxygen then strength training.

#17. To Build Muscle, You Only Need To Eat Chicken and Veggies

Yes, eating chicken and vegetables build your muscles and these both contain lots amount of nutrients. But eating only these two are not right you need more things in your body and you have to eat other food also.

#18. Weight Gain Means You’re Getting Fat

When you start exercising firstly you remain the same but after a couple of months, you can realize that you are increasing weight. But, actually, that is your muscle tissues are increasing not weight.

#19. Working Out With A Friend Is Distracting

It’s quite right that if you are exercising with your friends you will distract easily. But on the other side, it will help you do the exercise easily and comfortably. You will not skip the gym.

#20. No Pain No Gain

If you are doing exercise firstly it gives you pain for a week but after a week you get fine and if you are still getting the pain means you are facing a problem. Not every time pain is good for the body.

If you can’t exercise regularly and want to stay fit click here.

Exercise you stop doing now click here.

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