10 Good Effects of Being Fit!!

10 Good Effects of Being Fit!!

As we know that exercise means that the movement in our muscles which burn your calories.

Physical activities can be performed in many ways like jogging, swimming, cycling, dancing running & rest of the other.

It is scientifically proven that being fit or active helps physically & mentally & also you to live longer.

It is a good source of energy & if you exercise daily. It boosts your energy level & helps us to fight various diseases.

Increases your energy level

A study has proven that if you do regular exercise for 6 weeks so reduces the feeling fatigue. It also helps those people who are suffering from chronic disease and increases the energy level of that person.

It also helps the person who is suffering from acute disease as the acute disease is for a long period. So doing a physical activity can reduce the risk of death for them.

Exercise has been shown to increase energy levels in people suffering from progressive illnesses. Such as cancer, HIV/AIDS, and multiple sclerosis.

Boost Brain Power

We also need to make our brain healthy by doing exercises. While performing exercises body releases some chemicals called endorphins. When these chemicals release it gives a positive feeling to the body.

Not just physical exercise but mental exercise also help to boost your brain. The study has proven that by playing chess our brain gets very sharp. We can perform any mathematical task very easily.

Increases The Age

It also increases the age. Physically you get strong at the old age usually, people at the old are unable to do some task but if we regularly do exercise it will increase our age.

Our new generation should adopt this but some of them are not doing exercise. We can see that most schools or colleges are always busy on their phones because of their phones they are not doing any physical activities.

So everyone has do exercises.

Makes Better Digestion

Doing physical activity makes better digestion because when you move muscles it just not affect your outer body but also the inner parts of the body.

The movement in the intestine not letting the food in one place because of exercises it starts moving which helps the body to digest the food very easily. As doctors also sys that after eating food you need to walk for a few minutes.

Helps Us Sleep Like Babies

We know that a night of better sleep is a must for a human. If a person takes a poor quality of sleep so the person will face many health issues. Including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, depression, and anxiety.

By being physically fit makes us tension free and we can sleep peacefully it also improves our blood circulation.

Helps Us To Manage Stress, Lowering Risk of Depression and Anxiety

It consists of many numbers of emotional benefits that decrease stress, depression, anxiety, and gives us relaxation.

Exercise decreases cortisol, adrenaline, and norepinephrine and increases serotonin which is called a happy hormone.

By doing exercise on a regular basis it helps us to makes us happy and we can do our work very easily.

Help To Control Weight

While doing exercise we burn fat which loses our weight. if we regularly do exercise so we never gain to much weight & fat also causes so many diseases including problem digestion

A study has proven by doing a 1 hour of exercise each week can help to prevent depression and anxiety.

Help To Quit Smoking

Exercise may make it easier to quit smoking by reducing your cravings and symptoms. If a smoker does exercise daily so he/she can easily quit smoking.

Gives Strength To Your Bones and Muscles

Exercise gives strength to your body and makes strong bones. As we know that bone is the most important part of a human body it keeps all the muscles and other parts of the body.

It also gives strength to the muscles as your muscles grow faster with doing exercise on a regular basis. To know which sports make you fitter click here.

Help to keep your thinking, learning, and judgment skills sharp as you age

Exercise makes your memory sharp and you can learn and can make efficient decisions easily. It makes us mentally strong and the brain does not feel any complication.

It especially best for school and college students as in this age students requires needs to be mentally strong so they have to do exercise.

Not for students, the old age people should also do exercise to reduce their stress level.

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